Sunday, 14 March 2010

Who watches the watchmen? Not me apparently.

After my blog last night, I was awake until 4 o clock in the morning for no apparent reason. Luckily I didn't start work until 12pm today though. Nothing particularly amazing happened at work; there was no customers for most of the day, so there's not much to say about that.

I had the misfortune of seeing some of Wild at Heart tonight; it has the writing, acting, and plot of a children's program. In the brief snippet I saw, it featured people realising their wrongdoings and apologising for minor misdemeanors, and a small group of underdogs stopping a nasty businessman from putting a golf course in the "countryside" (I'm not too sure what you'd call the countryside in Africa, but you get the idea). All this was far too intenst for me so I went through to watch my Blu-ray of Watchmen which I've had for a while. I did see it at the cinema and it's a great film, so I wanted to see it again. When I put the disc in my PS3 it made this horrific whirring noise that made me certain that the console has knackered itself. I retried it a few times and still it made the noise, but any other discs I tried were fine. I looked online and found that there was a faulty batch of discs accidentally put out, and it seems I have won the anti-lottery in getting one. There is a slight silver lining in the story, as it allowed me to write a witty title for today's blog. I gave up on the movie and played Final Fantasy more, and am now going to bed, as I am absolutely shattered.

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