Today was the big day of the X Factor tour! Drove there with Ian and his wife which was good fun and very kind of them. We got there and a select few along with us were let in long before the shows start due to us winning VIP tickets through working at Currys and completing the challenge set to the region by an initiative that will make no sense to most and will bore the rest if I was to explain. Long story short, I sold particular stuff so won. Our early entry was for us to be given goody bags with the tour guide, a t-shirt and a keyring (all for free) before we were lead to a large empty room and instructed to spread out across the walls. As soon as this was done, a door was opened and all the artists that we were waiting to see walked into the room to speak to us, sign the guide, take photos etc. This was incredible. I did feel that some of them were in "default mode" of sorts, probably putting on a performer's front to quell pre-show nerves. Jamie Archer and Ollie were rather worse for wears after partying last night, but Jamie found time to notify me that he liked my hair. Coming from someone with a massive afro that is a major complement. It was during this time that I met Jedward. As anyone familiar with my facebook or twitter page during last Autumn, I was not a fan of their performances, but meeting them was the highlight of my day. They are extremely genuine guys, completely barmy, but they clearly wanted to be meeting their fans, and were darting all over the room, meeting each group two or three times. It was very strange that they were both identical and acted exactly the same; literally like having clones running around you. Coupled with the fact that they are pretty famous, it was a very surreal moment. None less so when they were speaking to me about general things, playing with my camera etc when John noticed my shoes and called to his twin; "Edward! Edward! Look at his shoes!" They requested to see the entirety of the shoes as they were covered by my jeans, and upon seeing them became really excited about them; "We used to have those shoes, John!" "I know, Edward!" "Did you get those at T K Maxx?". In fact, I did get them, and apparently at the same time, John and Edward bought themselves these shoes. They then went on for a while about how amazing the shoes were/are before going around the other people there, never losing any enthusiasm. It pains me to say this, but they are great. Also, their live performances weren't "good", but were very entertaining, which really is all they're meant to be. Vanilla Ice did not appear however.
The show itself was brilliant. I feel I have rambled on enough, so here are a couple of photos from the day. Everyone signed my program, and I got photos with all except Lucy Jones; somehow she escaped my grasp, but strangely enough, she did take a photo of me with Danyl *insert gag about my lens extending for her*. On that note I shall bid you all a good night. It may only be 10pm, but I am shattered.

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