Friday, 19 March 2010

Autobots: Roll Out!

Today's day off work started with a failed attempt at a lie-in; I was up by half eight having spent a while just lying there being annoyed with myself for waking up so early. I spent the rest of the day largely playing Final Fantasy XIII more, bringiny my game time up to a healthy 8.5 hours. It's getting better and better as it goes on, with the battle system slowly progressing, introducing new mechanisms to counteract the more difficult enemies that are appearing. This shows how much effort has been put into the game; that they've properly considered how best to teach people to play it. It is a truly brilliant game so far, and I am sure it will continue to impress me.

I heard some interesting news this morning; Tim Burton is set to direct an Addam's Family movie. It's not a remake of the '90's movies, or an adaptation of the '60's tv show; it's based entirely on the drawings from the 1930's that were printed in newspapers. I've hardly seen any of these but apparently they are far more sinister and dark than the TV show or family-orientated movies could get away with. It is also said that it will be a 3D Stop Motion feature, so even if it is true, there won't be a release for a few years yet. Plus he's got two films on the go just now; Dark Shadows, based on an american horror/comedy/soap opera from the 1960's about vampires; and a full-length stop motion remake of his bizzare half-hour Disney film Frankenweenie. He's a busy guy just now, and I couldn't be happier about that.

Tonight I was busy making more plans for the zombie flashmob we're doing; I've looked into some amazing home-made makeup effects you can do and I'm really excited about doing it.

I ended the night by watching Transformers: The Movie. The seizure-inducing neon visuals looked incredible on my new telly, but it was annoying to find that the sound mixing is horrendous. Nonetheless, it is an awesome movie with an incredible soundtrack; rather than have three and a half hours of Megan Fox running in slow motion, Michael Bay should just do a straight remake of this film, ensuring the 1980's soundtrack remains. Then and only then does he earn my respect.

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