Saturday, 3 July 2010

Where is the rum gone?

Today I had a day off and I spent the morning helping Dad out with various tasks in our new house. They were boring and completely un-blogworthy so I won't dwell on the point. After this I spent the afternoon packing more stuff in my room. It's horrific looking at all the boxes of stuff I own and considering how to store them all neatly in my new room as my current room is a tip; things have slowly crept into it so the mess has organically formed.

This evening I went down to Drum for the leaver's party, which I was chuffed to find myself on the guestlist for. It was by Drum standards not bad at all; very well organised and kept largely under control but I'm just not into that sort of event; I prefer simply going to someone's house, going to the pub or something as a small group of friends and initiating banter. I'm not keen on the loud music, crowded hall thing. I walked around Drum with Angus trying to find his Rum which someone had hidden for him (so he didn't have to take it to the leaver's dance and risk being kicked out), but hadn't taken it to the hall for him. Along the way we met some folk who I ended up spending the next hour or so with. Once they started planning on going home I went back to the party where, as soon as I walked through the gate, people started fighting. It was amazing, though nothing unusual; it's traditional at these parties for some over-zealous neds to arrive and pick a fight with someone. This created some extreme banter and livened my night up considerably. After this the party did slowly die down to a stop where I helped pack up and got the bonus of a lift home from Laura, meaning I didn't have to do a one am walk in the rain.

Decent evening; far better than if I had stayed at home.

Song of the day is a video I first saw the other day, and it keeps coming on the music channels and it is completely awe-inspiring. The song is amazing and the video is just so perfectly filmed they merge together to make something really special. The video is really cliched in parts, especially what a lot of the fans say to the camera but 30 seconds to mars somehow manage to pull even those parts off. Other than that the live clips are breathtaking. I can't embed it because of youpoof copyright restrictions so here's a link to the video.


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