Sunday, 25 July 2010

A good day. OR WAS IT?

This morning and afternoon were completely uninteresting; I completed assassins creed 2 and made smoothies. That leaves it to this evening. I went to the cinema with Florence to see inception. Ive heard a lot of hype around it, with it being cited as breathtaking and all that so I went with a bitter expectation of being underwhelmed. My expectations were not met. It genuinely is a truly amazing movie. The plot is by far the main focus which seems obvious but is rare in recent blockbusters. It is an extremely complicated plot that is carried through with ease by the dark knight director. It's a slow build with the first 45 minutes or so dedicated to explaining the highly complex basis and physicalities of the upcoming story. Somehow I felt like I knew so much aw though I had read a book on the ins and outs of the dream techniques when actually I hardly noticed anything being explained: its all expertly conveyed through the first act of the plot. By the final act it is edge-of-your-seat gripping interspersed with genuine emotion. All the while the high concepts are present while the basic components of plot, character and tone are maintained at a level above most "no concept" movies, with a periodic comic relief that is delivered in dry, witty, and completely natural forms. Acting is never less than great, Leo especially verging on excellent at times. Finally the spectacle of the movie just adds a whole new level of wonder. Effects are all CGI, but are genuinely brilliant. One scene in particular; a hotel corridor fight with constantly shifting gravity, is the best fight scene I have ever seen. It is literally jaw-dropping as my mouth was wide open for the duration, in an emotion somewhere between tension for what will happen, sheer wonder at the visuals, and complete bafflement at how it was done. I can't remember the last modern film that made me think "how did they do that?". I can't fault it in all honesty so I give it 10/10. Finally song of the day is the polygon song because the infernal ditty has been lodged in my mind all day. OR HAS IT... sorry, had to make the obvious Inception joke.

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