Wednesday, 7 July 2010

A curse upon thee, Sky.

Today was another day off so I spent the majority of it doing more stuff for moving house. The morning was completely unproductive because I spent it phoning Sky trying to arrange the re-installation and to get Broadband and Phone through them. Theoretically that would have made me the perfect customer and everything would have gone smoothly, but of course not, as I was dealing with Sky. They won't book an installation until they've installed the phone line which they won't do for another two weeks, so we're looking at a month without TV but we've still got to pay out subscription in this time. Also, the previous reps I've spoken to have told me I can have unlimited broadband for £7.50 a month but now this person says that 'because of my postcode' I can only have a 40GB cap service for £17 a month. When the time comes that I can actually book the internet I plan on having a showdown with Sky.

Once this was done a ridiculous amount of time had passed so I went mad in my room, packing more of the endless amount of stuff I have accumulated over the years. Listening to Power Quest and rummaging through drawers of stuff from younger years it was actually a pretty good time.

Tonight I had a massive metal debate with Vinnie, Iain and Robert which was awesome. It turns out Vinnie likes terrible music. Iain and Robert both like some good music though except for Pendulum who I realised today use exactly the same beat in a lot of their music along with the same synth sounds which explains why I don't like them much. Iain showed me a song which I have chosen as Song of the Day. It's Rihanna and Eminem; a duo I hadn't even heard was possible let alone had actually happened. It's brilliant; it reminds me of Eminem's older music, rather than the really tacky stuff he's done more recently. It's also much like some older music by Rihanna like 'Unfaithful'.

Last thing, I just heard from Jennifer (who works at the cinema) that they've found the DVD and Blu-ray I bought on Saturday night and somehow manager to leave there. All I have to do is go in and sign for it. Massive thanks to her because I was pretty miffed at the twenty quid I'd literally thrown away.

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