Friday, 28 May 2010


Today I got up ridiculously early in order to go to Edinburgh. I have been here now for about half a day and I do not want to go home on Monday. The train journey was not banterific, but not unpleasant either, but as soon as we got to Edinburgh I was hit by a wave of awesomeness. Me and Darroch made our way to Red Dog Music, a music shop unsurprisingly. It was incredible: a massive shop with instruments EVERYWHERE. I went in to look at their Ukuleles as I am considering buying a new one, but I was soon drawn to their piano section, where I played a £4,500 digital piano. If I had that money in my account I would have very likely bought it as it was amazing. After this we headed to our Youth Hostel, which is a bit of a dive, but will suffice for a night's sleep. We left to go and watch Prince of Persia at the cinema, which was awful. It has fantastic fight scenes, but the direction, script, tone and pacing are all horrific. 3/10. The film raises from a 2 purely because of Gemma Arterton's presence. After this we went to a burger bar which, being a vegetarian was okay; my bean burger was nice, but theres no escaping the fact it was nothing but a bean burger. Lastly we headed to a pub called the Jekyll and Hyde. Words cannot describe how much I love this pub; it is entirely themed like a gothic mansion, there is metal playing across the establishment and they serve cocktails based on the seven deadly sins. Tonight I sampled Lust, Wrath, Sloth and Pride. All but Pride were lovely. We sat there for a good two hours and I was a little distraught at leaving because the barmaid was incredibly pretty and seemed to be talking to me a lot. Suffice to say that I plan on going there a couple more times this weekend to sample the remaining deadly sins *wink wink, nudge nudge*.

Oh, to explain the title, we have noticed that Edinburgh smells a lot like Weetabix.

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