Friday, 7 May 2010

James' Inimitable Wit.

I awoke this morning to the fantastic news that the Tories' nonchalant whittering with empty promises and pretty words had partially worked. As the day progressed it has become more likely that him and Clegg will form a hung parliament. This, if it happens, basically means that the many people I know who voted Lib Dem will have their vote manipulated in David Cameron's favour. I appreciate that it is a cynical viewpoint, but for an already atrocious voting system, this is really rubbing sulphuric acid in the wound. My personal favourite outcome would be a Labour/Lib Dem coalition with a referendum to overhaul the voting system, and a re-vote arranged for in 6 months or so under the new system if it was passed. The voting system I envisage would be One vote for the local MP, and a separate vote for the country's PM. The person in each category with the highest number of votes wins. No mucking about with seats and coalitions; a decision made by the nation as a whole. I did Modern Studies in Fifth Year, but I can't remember what this voting system is called. If anyone can let me know it would be awesome.

I left the house to head off to my first proper psychologist session. It started slightly annoying as last time I was there I filled in a few questionnaires, and from my answers I was given scores on a number of different aspects of mental health. 1.2 is depression for a male, and 2.5 is sever depression; I scored 2.4, which I was a little bit gutted about: I'd have liked a high score. Another score I did quite well on was the suicide probability (seriously); 5 is really high risk, I got a 4. I'm not saying all this for a reaction, I find it quite funny that I've been given a label on a level of depression and they openly discussed the probability of me killing myself. Once this was cleared away though, the session was a step in the direction I'm wanting to go: I really hope we can eventually get to the root of the anxiety attacks and the problems they create.

Work today was literally the quietest day I have ever witnessed. I had next to nothing needing done, meaning I spent the day strolling around with intent of serving customers. The flaw in this plan was the fact that at any given time throughout the day, you could count the customers on one hand. For a considerable amount of time, the staff were the only humans present.

The bus home featured a guest appearance from James Redmond. It was during the extraction of craic that Dr Who was mentioned, where I informed him of my meeting Karen Gillan at work (whenever I hear Dr Who being mentioned, I will forcefully share this anecdote as now that she's properly famous I love it). To this, he broke out his comedic side, suggesting that she was looking for a Sonic Screwdriver or a Tardis. He went on to inquire as to whether Currys sells such equipment.

Tomorrow is another day at work followed by the weekly cinema trip. It's indecided what we'll see: looks like a decision between Hot Tub Time Machine and Nightmare on Elm Street... not the strongest of line-ups from what I've heard, but oh well.

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