Friday, 21 May 2010

I'm going to destroy the island

Another day off, and I did become a little bit less of a winge today. Started off by going to the psychiatrist again, which was much better than the last meetings I've had: we've now got a plan for how things can be sorted out. It'll take a while but there's no quick fix.

This afternoon I watched Donnie Darko for the umpteenth time. It remains my favourite film, and with each repeat viewing it gets more confusing. It was pretty cool that I also found all my English notes for the personal study I did on the film, along with the final essay I wrote.

This evening I watched Lost, which was the penultimate episode. The announcement of the simltaneous broadcast means that in three days from now it will all be over. This is exciting because the finale is set to be incredible, lasting two and a half hours, but it will also be pretty emotional in a horifically geeky way. Six years I've been religiously following it and it'll be gone... it was even scarier when I put it into perspective realising that my brother was one year old when it started and now he's sitting watching it with me every week.

It's a pretty short post, but I am ridiculously tired, on account of not sleeping for a few nights. I haven't had any caffiene today so hopefully I'll pass out on impact with my pillow.


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