Sunday, 9 May 2010

Dance, magic dance.

The majority of today was largely uneventful so I'll try and keep this blog short. Work was very annoying as there's a lot of problems that are not my fault yet serve to make me look an idiot to customers. The problem is that the only people capable of fixing said problems have a lot to do on a daily basis and keep having more things thrown at them; things which aren't really their responsibility. It annoys me that things are going wrong, making my job much harder, and it annoys me further that people are being moaned at for it when they are being prevented from fixing the problems. This was the main theme of the day. Luckily my customers were all very agreeable so they could see me and my colleagues were doing our best to sort things out for them.

This evening I went down to the Benleva as it is Darroch's birthday. It shocks and repulses me to know that the person I've been friends with since my first day of school has turned 20. Walking down I was listening to my iPod, which decided to shuffle to Magic Dance by David Bowie from Labyrinth. For some reason unknown to me this urged me to jog from my house to Drum. I was pretty chuffed with myself once I got over the minor heart failure and collapsed lungs. The evening went pretty well; I played poker with Alan and Darroch, which I won in a landslide victory of sheer dumb luck on an all-in. I got a lift home from Jonathan so all went well this evening.

A mixed day overall, and very little is planned for tomorrow beyond work.

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