Wednesday, 25 August 2010

rain, rain, go away...

Today turned out to be a much more run-of-the-mill day than yesterday, albeit very damp.Work went by with hardly any customers, let alone annoying ones. Calvin came in towards the end of the day which was cool; other than that I spent my day starting charging up every camera in the store with background music courtesy of MTV hits' rundown of the top 40 best selling songs of the noughties. as a sidenote I will add that "noughties" is a term that really annoys me, but there is no alternative. It was great for nostalgia purposes, with all the songs featuring somewhere in my childhood or teens. Though I was gutted when number one turned out to be Will Young's Evergreen. An atrocious song that makes me ashamed to have grown up in a decade represented by it. After work I got properly hooked on Buffy the Vampire slayer as I am now watching the final season, and finally got into it, remembering why I loved it so much years ago. Lastly I watched a Korean film called Hansel & Gretel. It's a pans labyrinth style fairy tale for grown ups. The plot becomes very confusing towards the end but after a few minutes discussion as the credits rolled we came to a suitable conclusion that makes the film a very haunting story. I won't explain the plot at all because its got strong elements of mystery to it. The thing that struck me most was the visual style of it; colours were graded in a very fairytale style, with warm glowing happy scenes and dark, shadowy creepy scenes. The camera work was very photographic, with the majority of shots clearly well though out, adding a very polished stylized feel to the film. It's worth a watch to anyone who likes unusual films, and since I sit firmly in that category I give it 8/10. Song of the day is No Quarter by Alestorm. It's an instrumental track and keep an ear open for He's a pirate from Pirates of the caribbean.

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